Berowra Public School

Respect Self Others Community

Telephone02 9456 1319


Positive Behaviour Engaging Learners (PBL) is a school-wide program that creates a positive, encouraging environment for learners. 

PBL is a prevention program. Students at Berowra Public School are taught to act respectfully, responsibility and ensure they, along with all students at Berowra Public, achieve their personal best. By explicitly teaching behavioural expectations, students increase engagement levels and distractions are decreased. The school is positive, supportive learning environment.


PBL incorporates a continuum of practices that include:

  • school-wide expectations including establishing clear consequences;

  • formal instruction in social skills;

  • helping students to regulate their own behaviour;

  • helping teachers to intervene effectively to manage behaviour in both classroom and non-classroom environments;

  • pro-active supervision in all areas of the school;

  • positively and regularly reinforcing positive student behaviours.


Berowra Public School's expectations are:



Self - Others - Community


Berowra Public School expectations are that students show respect for self, others and community. Respect is promoted throughout the school and clearly defined and taught in classroom activities.

Class lessons are based on the ideas and activities in the BounceBack Wellbeing and Resilience Program by Pearson. The scope and sequence and content/delivery of the lessons have then been tailored to fit the needs of the students at Berowra Public School in accordance with PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) school-wide expectations. For more information about PBL, or how to assist your children at home, please visit the PBL website or contact Berowra Public School.

Classroom Management Procedures

All classrooms have their own reward system to recognise student effort, achievement and to encourage appropriate behaviour. When students display inappropriate classroom behaviour, teacher will: 

  • Actively supervise, remind student of appropriate behaviour/school expectation, redirect, reteach the school expectation, conference and provide choice 
  • Provide a second reminder and move the student to a designated timeout area within the classroom 
  • If inappropriate behaviour continues the student will be sent to a buddy behaviour class to reflect. The teacher will have a conference with the student to discuss their reflection sheet at the next appropriate break.
  • If the behaviour continues the student will be issued a Major Incident Behaviour card and be referred to the Stage Supervisor.

Playground Management Procedures

Students are expected to follow simple playground expectations relating to playing appropriately, respecting property and the rights of others and applying sun safety recommendations. Each teacher on playground duty is expected to actively monitor behaviour and ensure expectations and safety procedures are correctly followed. Teachers will wear a fluoro vest for easy identification and a hat for their personal sun safety.

They will carry a playground bag containing Behaviour Incident Cards, as well as band-aids for basic medical care. When students display inappropriate playground behaviour, the duty teacher will: 

  • Actively supervise and remind student of appropriate behaviour/school expectation, redirect and reteach the school expectation 
  • Conference with the student and provide choice 
  • Issue a Behaviour Incident Card, depending on the behaviour and if the offense continues 
  • Send for an executive member if the students’ inappropriate behaviour is a Major Behaviour Incident.

Examples of minor and major incidents